Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Presentation of Shirts to the CSSP Week Planning Committee

Jaristi, our group leader asked me to represent the class to the CSSP Week Planning Committee. My task was to ask the professors present in the committee hearing for help with the selling of the centennial shirts. But lack of sleep and coffee or something must have gotten in the way of usually logical thinking, I got things mixed up. In the end I made the committee members think that the projects being done by the CWTS teams are for the CSSP Week celebration. I realized this when I talked to Patriz that night through YM and she told me that I made the committee confused. She said that Prof. Deocariza had to explain to the committee that what we are doing in class doesn’t have anything to do with the CSSP celebration. It was funny now, but I think our dear professor deserved an apology. Sorry Sir!

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